Dara Does It

Dara Bunjon has a passion for food - its origins, preparation and consumption. Her culinary endeavors began as a regular cooking personality on WBAL-TV's early news in Baltimore, president of the Epicurean Club of Maryland and marketing and public relations director for Vanns Spices. Dara now applies her broad range of culinary skills as a food stylist for chefs and cookbook authors, implementing public relations and marketing activities for restaurateurs, as a social media administrator/trainer for food-related businesses and culinary events planner. She also is a contributing writer to Foodservice Monthly, Examiner.com (Dining, Food and Travel) and restaurant reviewer for Gayot.com. She also has written for Style Magazine, Mid-Atlantic Restaurant Digest, Urbanite and more. Since 2004, she has maintained an award-winning food related blog called Dining Dish. She co-authored her first cookbook, Yum! Tasty Recipes from Culinary Greats. Dara is a long-time member of Women Chefs and Restaurateurs.

Dara Does It

From public relations, food writing, and restaurant promotions to social media, cookbooks and food styling, Dara has the strategic and tactical expertise to get your restaurant, brand and products noticed.

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